
  • Spring is a time of renewal and fresh beginnings, and a chance to purge the old and usher in the new. So why not do just that when it comes to your resume? Whether you need a touch up or a complete makeover, dusting off your resume and adding it to your spring cleaning list is a great way to prepare for your next career opportunity.

  • The thought of returning to work can be challenging, not to mention the many steps it takes to get there. While returning to work does have its unique challenges, it’s also an exciting time to recognize newly acquired skills and strengths, and possibly even enjoy an entirely different career from the one you left.

    If you find fear holding you back, know that employers of all shapes and sizes need your skills and what you have to offer. Putting one foot in front of the other is the way to find that exciting new opportunity.

  • Resumes. They are one of the most frustrating things to write – and one of the most confounding things to get right. Did I use the correct words? Did I capture my skills well? Do I even sound interesting enough for someone to hire me?

    For as long as resumes continue to be requested by employers (and just who is that phantom behind the curtain looking at those resumes? A robot? A human? A combination of the two?), we will continue to send ours along, trying to beat out hundreds of others to win that job.



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